Jansen Lawn and Landscape LLC
How can I pay for service?
Jansen Lawn and Landscape offers many ways to pay for service. All of our invoices come with an address you can mail cash or a check to. You can also hand cash or a check to any of our foremen. You can also pay online through paypal or a credit or debit card, simply by clicking our "Pay a Bill" tab above.
How do you bill? Is it easy for me?
We believe that paying for your lawn care should be one of the easiest things you do! We email out invoices every month, as well as mail paper invoices. Payment for this is due 15 days after it is emailed, and after 30 days of not paying, services are rendered canceled, with the remaining billed as due.
Do you do lawns on a set schedule?
We do lawns on a set schedule, and do our best to make it the same day every week. This makes service easy for you and easy for us!
What if it rains on the day my lawn is to be serviced?
Rain is often a challenging part of our jobs. If the rain is light enough, our mowers are light so that they don't make ruts in your ground. On days of heavier rain, lawns will generally get pushed back the amount of rain days in that week, plus 1/2 day.
What if my lawn hasn't grown?
During the summer we are always sure to check growth rates. If the lawn has grown 1" or more, it is generally ready to be cut. If the lawn has not grown at least an inch, that is a sign that the lawn is turning dormant, and therefore we will keep from mowing it that week.
So what does your service include?
For lawncare, we include mowing, edging sidewalks, driveways, and patios, trimming, and blowing the grass out out of landscaping and walkways. always refer to your original estimate for service descriptions.
How can I contact Jansen Lawn and Landscape?
You can call us anytime at (816) 379.2932 or email Jansenlawnscape@gmail.com. Look us up on Facebook as well!